For many people, when they first start eating keto, they find out all the other foods that they can't have. You can't have any carbohydrates. Got a moderate protein and a kind of like, oh, what does that leave me with? What do I eat? A ketogenic diet is one of the most common questions for beginners. And so I'm going to cover that in this blog.
All of the foods I eat when I'm CEO with this CEO grocery hall blog, if you're not familiar with it, CEO is basically a super low carb, medium or moderate protein and very high fat.
I'm going to keep my carb intake as low as I possibly can over the next four days and then to challenge myself to get back into ketosis.
So I split my shopping up in three different shops. Usually, I do as much of my shopping Morrisons as I possibly can because they've got really good prices. I want to keep the cost of my shopping down.
The ketogenic diet is not exactly cheap. So that's very important for me to do. But I also pick up a few other beers in Holland and Barrett. If you are going to shop online & a budget planner so looks for Holland and Barrett Discount Code. It’s easy for saves the best.
I can't get any Morrisons. So, These are the few bits that I've got in Holland and Barrett.
First off, I've got Raw cacao, but this is like pure chocolate, like before it's even turned into chocolate. Raw cocoa tastes like chocolate taste like Milky Bolla white chocolate only without any sugar or sweetness in it whatsoever.
So these are going to go in some fat forms along with some coconut and some almond butter, and that's going to help me get my fat intake up.
I've got some Meridian smooth almond butter. This is awesome. So a little bit pricey, but like this tastes so good. I just get a little tablespoon and have this when I'm having my avocado. The only problem is you got to watch out for it. White not by ambones on.
Keigo is one of the only things it's really easy to overeat because they taste so damn good. Like you could go for a jar so quickly.
So you got a light. You got to pace yourself on these. These are really nice. But, this is free just like but I take it by the tablespoon. I also get some cheaper Amenabar from Holland & Barrett so that just goes straight into my fat bombs.
MCT Oil. So me to medium-chain triglycerides. It's a very healthy fat, very quick energy. I have this a lot. People have this with their morning coffee with some butter. I don't do coffee. I can't have coffee. It turns my stomach up. It also gives me a lot of stomach pain. It made my gastritis a lot worse last year and I don't touch coffee. I'm going to have this in my green tea. I have green tea every day. I'm obsessed with this stuff.
I can't stop my morning without my free cups of green tea. So I'm going to try. I have a month's worth of Naess in a month in my green tea every morning.
I've also got some hemp seed. I've never had this before, ever. But I'm going to mix up with some GSC.
There's some flaxseed and try and make some green free oatmeal-like oatmeal replacement with some almond milk. See how that goes. Yeah, these are a little bit expensive, but they're a really good source of a mega free L.A. and high fat, high protein high, and a mega free. So perfect for Kiyo.
And also from Portland about it. I've picked up some pumpkin seeds.
These would be awesome for snacking on with like almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts. High in fat, high in protein. Perfect!
Well, I just got back from Holland & Barrett and I got this coconut oil. This is probably the best coconut oil that you can get in England. Lucy.
Be an extra virgin Organic Coconut oil. Very good quality. Very popular. I pretty much just use this or butter to cook everything. Right. So it's important to get good high-quality coconut oil.
I also got some macadamia nuts. These are like the perfect CEO of food.
The macros are absolutely perfect. Twenty free grams of fat per 30 grams serve in moderate protein and very low in carbs. That is absolutely perfect for a really good snack.
I've got a couple of dressings as well. What some see is a sauce, some ranch, some hollandaise. I try not to have too much. It is because too much can be quite inflammatory because of the oils that are in them. It's impossible to find.
It's impossible to find mayo and dressings that are made from avocado oil in the U.K. and if you can less four times the price, just go to try and have these in moderation.
Voice Got this from St. Louis as well. This is actually a holder leftover from a couple of weeks ago. Smoove almond butter. Yeah, big tub. One kilogram tub for about 11 pounds.
That's a bit better price than Meridien stuff. It's a bit runnier. So I just put this in most movies, my protein shakes and my fat bombs. So I won't just eat this off the spoon with my avocado. I do have one, but yeah, a bit cheaper than that one. So this is going to be my fat bombs this week.
Coconut flour usually has to get it from Holland & Barrett. It should be pretty expensive. But this was a really good price.
This brand foodie market, how they do some pretty good health. Healthy foods. That's going to go in probably some CEO cookies. But going half the way. Half the way about a week until I'm in ketosis before I have that is a little bit too carby.
And then also found organic cocoa powder. Says here, high in magnesium, fiber, protein, iron, and potassium. I'm going to have those in my fat bombs and I might try this in someone of my protein shakes as well.
They were both really good prices.
Also from Holland, actually got these last week. These are leftover chia seeds and flax seeds. We had to call them Erlinda Seed in the UK for some reason.
But this is like flax meal grass, like ground flaxseed. But, you know, it's still really healthy, high profile and may freeze.
I've also got some extra virgin olive oil. Very healthy. Good source of fat. I don't cook with this. The smoke plant is not as good as coconut or butter, which I cook most of my food with. So I'll take this off of the teaspoon down straight or I'll drizzle on some food.
Very healthy oil. A bit of an acquired taste, but very quick. Very easy on the go food. I also got some spinach and less tomato, onion, and cucumber. Got those to go on my salads, which will have nearly every night. And there are a couple more bits that I need to go and pick up. But forgotten. It gets in pink Himalayan sea salt. Good source of sodium. And I also need to go buy some coconut butter.
So I'm going to go get those today. But that's pretty much it for my grocery haul. Those are most of the foods I went on Keo. So that's pretty much it. The blog was helpful for you and gave some good ideas to Ian CEO. Have you got any questions? Leave me a comment section below and I'll see you in the next blog. Voila!
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